Pfaffenwaldring 29
70569 Stuttgart
Thermalauslegung von Raumanzügen für Marsmissionen
A.N. Bonidis, et al., "Updates on the German National Student Spaceflight Society, its Educatonal Achievements, and the Political Influence in the German Policy", ESA Symposium on european Rocket and Balloon Programmes and related Research, Switzerland, 2024.
A.N. Bonidis, et al., "Failure Investigation and Lessons Learned of ROACH2 a REXUS28 Experiment", ESA Symposium on european Rocket and Balloon Programmes and related Research, Switzerland, 2024.
B. Kraemer, A.N. Bonidis, et al., "Project Management and System Engineering of the Educational Satellite SOURCE; Utilizing Affordable Cubesat Technology to Raise Accessibility of Space Projects for Students", DLRK, Germany, 2023
M. Kanzow, N.Bonidis, et al., "GET Space - Growth of Education and Technology for Space: An Interdisciplinary Education Project on Tethered CubeSat Missions and Robotic Space Technologies at the University of Stuttgart", IAC, 2023
A.N. Bonidis, et al., "An Umbrella Association for German Student Teams to Promote Education by Students for Students", ESA Symposium on european Rocket and Balloon Programmes and related Research, France, 2022.
C. Holeczek, A.N. Bonidis, et al., "Electrostatic Adhesion Micro Rover Roach2 on Rexus28", ESA Symposium on european Rocket and Balloon Programmes and related Research, France, 2022.
A.N. Bonidis, et al., "A Bus System for Small High Altitude Balloon Experiments", ESA Symposium on european Rocket and Balloon Programmes and related Research, Germany, 2019.
Space Station Design Workshop